Let's compare some great options that will greatly reduce your suffering from allergies. There are literally 1000's of different air filter units on the market today. How do you decide which or what is best for you? Do go out and just find the most expensive one and hope for the best? It really seems like it is a process to find what works and how big and how many and what type are all questions to ask. Here's what you need to realize. These units are a temporary fix for an issue that needs a permanent fix. Unless you hit the shot in the dark the first time (most likely not), you will lost Tim money and maybe your mind trying to find this temporary relief. Better or best idea would be to go for the right solution right from the beginning. What's that? A whole house air quality system that is set up worth or incorporated with your air conditioning system. One system for the whole home. I just was over my parents home and there were no less then 9 of threes units throughout the home. I started to look at each one and researched what then cost and what they did and the total u figured they spent on these units were one 3000 dollars. That's insane. Can toy imagine what their electric bill is running am these things? I just can't imagine. They suffered from allergies but never once solved their problem. We at AC Breeze Cooling and Heating can help you. It just makes sense to solve the problem with a real solution. For more info on these while house units and get permanent relief, call us at 239-303-1318 or check us or online at http://acbreeze.net
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Need for Heat coming soon
When was the last time you had top put type heat on? MOST of SW Florida air conditioning systems have an accessory called a heat strip. This is all that is needed for the short time heat is called for in our area. Some homes North of us utilize a heat pump system. You really don't have that necessity her in SW Florida. Due to the nature of the heat strip you should have the unit cleaned so you don't have the burn smell or wires being burned from the dust. This would be part of a regular system maintenance. At AC Breeze Cooling and Heating we are offering a special for $59.00. Check us our on the Web at http://acbreeze.net.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Air Conditioning in November
It's hard to believe that while most of the US will be cooling down and the last thing on their minds is air conditioning. Here in the south eastern pay off the country we are hoping to at least get some break in the heat. As snow birds flock to our parts we are starting to think we better make sure we are taking care of our lifeline the mighty air conditioner. It's or best friend in the summer months. What about making sure it's serviced so it gives us another year of uninterrupted cool air when we need it. Keeping your air conditioner running at its best is in all if or best interest. It's pretty simple to achieve by simply having a maintenence plan. Not difficult and very inexpensively done in comparable to the cost of replacing your unit or a costly repair that could have been avoided. Check out or special pricing at http://acbreeze net
Monday, October 13, 2014
Air Conditoner Maintenance
Sunday, June 29, 2014
How do you keep cool in this weather
I want to challenge you to change that habit if it's one you share with me and take some time to be in the heat. Reflect on the many people who don't have the luxuries we have here in the great United States. We have so much as our fingertips and it has made us too confined and we don't stretch ourselves enough to release the stresses that go along with attaining all of these "American Dream" achievements that seem to drive most of us to competing with the next guy.
Air Conditioning uses the air in a closed area over and over and the make up air is just the same air. Especially with all the humidity here in SW Florida, we don't want to have our homes filled with mold by leaving the ac off but there are alternatives. There are air quality devices that can help in the home. To see some of the alternatives, check out our website ay WWW.acbreeze.net .
Don't give up on getting used to the heat, it will help you deal with your everyday stresses.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Change Your Air Conditiong Filters Only Once a Year
How can we fix this? What is the answer? It is very simple- install a filter cartridge system that only needs a new filter once a year! Problem solved. We at AC Breeze are going to make it so affordable that there is no excuse for not having it. It is that important to us to see that you are taking a step to ensure your air condition system is being cared for. These systems are pleated paper media filters that are large and thick enough to work great for 12 months. We will install one on your system for an unbelievably low cost. They retail for $400-$650. We will install one with the purchase of a maintenance contract for only $249. That is less than it would cost for 12 months of filters using a decent paper pleated monthly filter. No more cost and no more worry for 12 months. What does all this mean for you? Better air quality, less failures due to this lack of maintenance, longer life for your Air Conditioning Unit and overall savings in your pocket.
Why are we doing this? Why would we be willing to put a system that is a decent selling item at regular retail and knock it down to cost? It's really pretty simple- We are different. We want to earn your business and we are willing to show it.
Check out our Website at www.acbreeze.net to learn more about how utilizing us for your comfort solutions is just what makes sense.
Some of the benefits include:
- Loyalty
- Knowledge
- Experience Community
- Peace of Mind
- Easier Life
Thursday, May 15, 2014
5 Very Important Reasons to have a Maintenence Plan for your Air Conditioner
The 5 Very Important Reasons to have a maintenance plan for your air conditioner are:
- Avoid Premature and Ill-Timed Breakdowns- I am sure you notice that if something is going to go wrong it's going to go wrong for you (me too). Most of the time it will be at the very worse time. Part of the reason for Air Conditioning systems having these early breaktimes can be due to not being serviced properly.
- Savings on Your Utility Bills- Even a small leak in your duct system can make you lose up to 30% of your efficiency. Not to mention a dirty coil or filter. Having it checked and maintained will save you in the long run sometimes up to hundreds of dollars.
- Discounts galore- Depending on what level maintenance plan you take you can save minimum of 10% but sometimes as much as 30% is offered for certain items or services that are for members only.
- VIP Service- As a holder of a maintenance plan, you get VIP Service Treatment. That means that you will go to the top of the priority list and even in the busiest times, that is no worry to you. We will get to you and you will not be charged extra for night or a weekend.
- Peace of Mind Guarantee- You never need to worry at all ever. With a maintenance agreement, you are in good hands with AC Breeze Cooling and Heating. We guarantee that.
So now that you have been the 5 reasons to have a maintenance plan, the next step is to reach out and call AC Breeze Cooling and Heating and get one. If you call within the next 48 hours we will give you a 10% discount on our already low pricing. Mention this blog post when you call but don't delay. Summer is almost here. Call us at 239-303-1318 and be sure to check us out on the web at www.acbreeze.net
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Spring and Summer Allergies AAAAAAAcccccchhhhhooooooooo
If you are one blessed enough to not have allergy problems, you can be thankful for this absolution. On the other hand, the majority of us fellow humans or as Web MD states, 55% of Americans test positive for one or more allergies. That accounts for a lot of sneezes! This same report states that we spend 90% of our time indoors.
For outdoor allergies, there are many different choices for relief. Those that are living a lifestyle of healthy choices may decide on natural remedies like local honey, acupuncture or a neti pot to help alleviate the symptoms. For those that use conventional medicines, the side effects are sometimes worse than the cure.
Indoor allergy sufferers is a whole different ball game. Due to our AC systems being a closed system (meaning they reuse the air over and over), if steps are not taken to remove the allergens they will continue to wreck havoc on us and we will have little or no relief while we are indoors.
We being an Air Conditioning Contractor, are in the business of making you comfortable. A Large degree of our business is determining what is best for you and your specific needs as far as air quality and comfort for your home. There are some great options for helping almost eliminate the culprit and there are some not so good alternatives that may just waste your money and not do a whole lot of anything. How can we determine what is best for us?
The number one thing that you and we can do for you is to use a filter that is helpful for allergy removal and then change it often (monthly at the minimum) filters are rated using what they call a MERV (Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value). The range of filters are 1-16 with the higher numbers being able to catch smaller particles and is considered more efficient. However we want you to also understand that your system has to work harder the higher the MERV rating so make sure you balance the two so don't lose out on the overall efficiency of the Air Conditioner.
The second thing is to have a regularly scheduled Tune up of the system at least yearly but especially prior to the summer season. During this time you want to make sure it includes the following tasks: Cleaning and inspecting coils, cleaning or replacing filters, adjusting and replacing fan belts, lubricating motors and bearings, cleaning and checking blowers and fans, inspecting controls and safeties, checking refrigerant and pressures, and verifying operating temperatures. At this time you can ask your technician for alternatives for the allergies. If it's a UV light or a system that disinfects the air as it leaves the ac unit, you can greatly reduce your allergies.
We hope this has helped you with some tips on helping with summer allergies. For more information go to our website at www.acbreeze.net
Tammy Rodriguez
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Air Conditioning Repair
May is upon us and it is time to get your Air Conditioning system tuned up and ready for the heat. Statistics show that ac's not maintained lose 15% of their efficiency each year. That is a money pit for anyone that does not see the value of maintaining your equipment. www.acbreeze.net is your Air Conditioning Repair Professional and is ready to come out and even is offering a coupon for savings. To see their specials, check out the website.
Why is it that some people like to learn the hard way and in doing so it costs them money that they could be using on so many other things. A small item like changing out your filter monthly is such a huge way of protecting your investment as well as helping your unit work as efficiently as possible. It seem like maybe it is an out of sight out of mind thing. What we recommend is to get with a company like AC Breeze Cooling and Heating and have them put you on a calendar so they go out twice a year and properly maintain your system. You will get 10 fold savings from just this small item. Additionally if you have a new system that is in warranty, you will void the warranty if you don't service the system like the manufacturer is telling you to.
With the summer heating up, calls for AC Repair are unusually high. So appointment times and cost of parts usually climb in the heat. Don't get caught up in all of that.
We decided to be in the HVAC business due to the ability to make a difference for people by educating as well as doing the work we do. We use our marketing and writing abilities to utilize this blog as well and other places to educate those interested in learning about AC's and how important they are in SW Florida. No AC equals a very uncomfortable setting.
Shoot me some questions or comment on this blog so we can get a dialog started. You can also give us a call at 239-303-1318 to schedule a no-cost evaluation of your system.
Tammy Rodriguez
Monday, April 21, 2014
Air Conditioning Financing Becomes Super Easy
Check out our website at http://www.acbreeze.net
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Follow me for $100
I bet that got your attention! If you would take a look at my blog and see all the interesting and informative stuff I post, I wouldn't have to pay you a dime. In order for people to see that I am serious and that I take the time to research and report sometimes interesting, fun, informative and local happenings as well as discussing time sensitive important data as well as offers that can't be beat, I am willing to put my money where my mouth is.
Starting today April 16th and until I reach the next 100 followers for my blog, you will be entered into a contest to win a $100 Visa Prepaid Card.
Not only do I want to get some people to follow me but please be a part of the blog by making comments and sharing as much as possible. We all know that when we all share and help each other so much can be learned and friends are made.
Let's join together and help make this a huge success!!
If you are happy with our blog, link to it and also remember that www.acbreeze.net is the main sponsor for the page so a link to that site would also be much appreciated.
My Best,
Tammy Rodriguez
Saturday, April 12, 2014
April is Amazing
Springtime is time for new things. Babies are born, flowers bloom, the weather is reported as being the best time of the year. Fishing is heating up in SW Florida waters. Snook season is here and tarpon as well as Grouper are also freely available.
Moods start to lift also with all of the great things going on around us in April. I for one was born in April so it has always been my favorite month. Although now I am not as happy about the years passing so quickly as when I was a kid.
Jamie Foxx is back as the voice of Nico in Rio 2. The first was a blockbuster and this second round is poised to be just as successful. Great family movie! Captain America's The Winter Soldier is out and is a huge Blockbuster coming in just under Rio 2.
April is also National Autism Awareness Month. With 1 in 68 children living with some form of Autism, it is important to be involved in some way to help and be part of helping make a better world for those with Autism.
Easter also falls in April this year and many are making plans to be with family and friends! Sadly the Holiday is very little about Jesus and so much more about eggs and bunnies for my liking. The reason behind this dates back to pagan times when eggs for decorated this time of year to symbolize rebirth. Bunnies were also a part of the pagan celebration. The two got mixed together and became what we call Easter. I for one do not celebrate the egg and candy thing. We all make up our minds based on what we believe to be right for us and that's ok too. I just choose not to. We do however remember that Jesus was risen back to life and is alive today and we want to celebrate and honor Him on that day.
We are also in Daylight Savings Time and enjoy the extra daylight each day by spending more time outside enjoying the weather in our outdoor kitchen and heated pool.
Whether you are planning for vacation or seeing Rio 2 or planning your Easter Holiday, remember to show love to those around us and if you can be involved in some way this month with Autism Awareness Month. Make a difference in someone's life.
Be safe and remember to check out www.acbreeze.net and www.aaarealtyllc.com for all your Real Estate and Air Conditioning needs.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
OMG I am going to be 50
I read this article today that was 50 things that I should have completed before I reached 50. As I read the items I was super excited to exclaim that I had at least 48 of the items licked. Some of the items where to be able to fix small items in the home on my own, Understand my financials, fix a flat tire. Then I had the eye opening realization that the reason for this article is to prepare us for being alone. That further leads to the realization that I am old!
Understand that I am not taking this easy. I am not happy. I do not want to celebrate. I refuse to turn 50 period. So if I don't agree to be 50 then I am not right. After all God made us with free will right? So my God given free will tells me that I am not going to turn 50.
In 20 days from today, I will have a Birthday. I am not celebrating it. I have decided to try and raise 1000 jars of peanut butter in lieu of any kind of celebration. The hungry need the food much more than I need any sort of attention on a day that I refuse to accept. So there!
I really want to make a statement here. I need peanut butter. We started a couple of weeks ago and so far I only have maybe 10-12 jars. I need more. Can you all help me out here. Right now Winn-Dixie is having a sale of buy one get one free. So you can help me out by buying one for us and you can even keep the other. You won't be out anything. If I can raise 1000 jars of peanut butter, I just know that we together can accomplish a great thing. The reason for Peanut butter is pretty simple. It has a great shelf life, it is a good protein, kids like it, not refrigeration needed etc etc. Get it people? I know you do.
I understand that I have become a source for people to laugh at because I am trying to raise peanut butter instead of a birthday party but anyone that knows me is aware that my husband goes way out for me and hey I understand it is because he loves me and I really appreciate that. I really just don't want to be the center of attention for anything. There is nothing special about me and I am a filthy rag just like us all and I don't need to celebrate having another year under my belt. That is not to mention that I lost my Mom just a short 5 months ago and she would be turning 70 on May 6th. If she were here that would be a celebration worth having. She is not here and I miss her like crazy so peanut butter it is and my MOM loved peanut butter.
There is a bit of funny that I intend to express in this post so please don't think I am crazy but the point of not really wanting to turn 50 is true and my Mom loving peanut butter also very true.
Please help me make my statement and help some wonderful hungry people too.
www.acbreeze.com is a contributor to my cause as I have made it so. Additionally you can drop off the peanut butter at www.aaarealtyllc.com physical address of 55 Homestead Rd N Lehigh Acres FL 33936
Regards and Love To You All!!
Tammy Rodriguez
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
April Fool
- I told my son this was his new car- So much fun....little does he know that this is better than what I am actually getting him (nothing). I didn't tell him that part. That wouldn't be an April fool
- I called my best friend and told her that my son stole our car and he was missing overnight. She was so mad and then laughed a lot. Then she schemed who she was gonna hit up.
- My staff stole my husband's car while he was at a home doing an inspection. He wandered around wondering what the????
Friday, March 21, 2014
Skyzone jump park
A Vacuum That Sucks
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Crap In Your Lungs-OH MY
Ouch for the family breathing in this gunk. Those are chunks of mold. The mold is going from there to the ducts throughout the home and into the home for everyone to breath.
What can you do to avoid this catastrophe? Regular Maintenance on the unit including changing your filter each and every month. Pretty simple right? It is!
The homeowner learned a valuable lesson that day and they signed up for a regular maintenance program from that point on. I followed up with this family just yesterday and asked them how it was going and if they had allergy issues still. I am happy to report that they said that the improvement is remarkable and they are never going to let that happen again.
How about you and your system? Are you having allergy issues inside your home. It just might be the AC coil causing it. Give us a call. We will be happy to come out and look and show you your unit and offer solutions to fix and permanently reduce the possibility of this happening to your family.
Call us today at 239-303-1318 or check us out on the web at www.acbreeze.net
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Air Conditioning- What are my options?
There are so many different variables involved with the equipment itself. There is a calculation called a load calculation that involves measuring each room of the home and then taking away infiltration rates away based on what the home is built with, each window and even the window treatments are taken in to the count. After all this is put together and then based on home many people are in the home at any one time, we are able to determine the right size unit that is needed for the home. This is the only way to know for sure what is needed. Then based on those numbers and measurements we utilize what we call a duculator to determine what size duct and entry point of each room so as to keep each room comfortable.
Simply just replacing what was there with the same size, can be devastating and incorrect. Don't let someone replace your equipment without doing this calculation. A licensed HVAC contractor needs understand and know how to do this to have their license so ask them to do it. This is not an area to cut corners. Many of the homes built in the boom were not sized correctly and so if it's time to replace the unit let's get it right now. It will save you so much in the long run and will lend to having a more comfortable place to live.
For more information on this subject, check us out on the web at www.acbreeze.net or give us a call at 239-303-1318.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Clovers and Blue moons
Pots of gold and rainbows,
And the red balloon
That’s the luck of me ___________!
Their magically delicious!
Do you remember what does in the blank above? See if you can remember and send it as a comment below.
- The original color that was associated with St Patrick's Day was Blue
- St Patrick was a Roman
- The Clover was used to teach the Trinity
- Originally drinking was not allowed on St Patrick's day
- Many children have a tradition that if you don't wear green on this day, you get a pinch.
What ever your tradition is, be safe. Don't drink and drive and have fun!
AC Breeze Cooling and Heating is having a St Patrick's Day Special. $300 off an entire unit. Commit to purchase today and save. That's our way of sharing the luck of the Irish!
Friday, March 14, 2014
Cost Savings Measures for your Air Conditioner
- Put Good white blinds or mini blinds and keep them closed on all East and West facing windows.
- Keep the thermostat set at 78 degrees and use fans in your occupied rooms.
- Keep the home closed up tight during the heat of the day.
- Keep your air conditioners maintained to reach maximum efficiency
- Plant shade trees around the house.
- Have an energy audit done so you can utilize the results to make the changes needed to help reduce costs.
- When it's time to change your unit, make sure you have new cooling load measurement done so you can determine the right system is installed. Do Not Depend On What Was In Place. This can be a big mistake.
Enjoy the upcoming summer weather. We are here for you if you need us.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Cool Tips for Lehigh's Springtime Fair

- Wear sunblock of at least 30SPF to keep from burning.
- Use a portable cooler like shown below to keep cool
- Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of water or a sports drink. Alcohol makes your more dehydrated. Soda can be very dehydrating also.
- Wear appropriate clothing for the weather.
- Find shade and spend time resting.
- Use bug protection for the evening time (don't leave home without the essentials)
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
97.7 Spanish Radio in Fort Myers advertising
Here is our first commercial. Listen for it being played over the radio and let us know you heard us. We will send you a discount certificate for $50.00 off any services if you let us know. This can be combined with any other offer we have but only one per household in it's entirety.
Monday, March 10, 2014
Germicidal UV Lights- Are they helpful in Air Conditioning
Germicidal UV or ultra violet lights have been tested and proved to kill germs for many years. They are used in treatment of germs and some mildews. I think the most important part is the key of making sure you start from a clean or new coil. If you install the light on a dirty coil, it will not have the strength to kill what is existing. In order to treat an active culture you would need several lights installed and then the electric expense will be prohibitive.
So our suggestion is that if you want to install a light, install it at time of getting a new coil or at time of a throughout cleaning (removal cleaning) so you start fresh and clean and then you definitely can benefit from the light.
We are running a special installed with an inside and outside (removal of inside) coil cleaner and then purchase and install the germicidal UV light. $399.00 for both cleanings and the light purchased and installed. That's a savings of over $150.00. Give us a call today at 239-303-1318 or check us out on the web at www.acbreeze.net.
Friday, March 7, 2014
Our Goal Is To Keep Your Existing Equipment Running
We were surprised at how the industry in our local market handles preventive maintenance. We want you to understand what and why needs to be done so that you can be prepared.
Changing your filter is definitely the most important do it yourself upkeep that you can do. It should be done on a monthly basis. If you start off with a clean coil and add a UV light and then also change your filter monthly, you will be doing a tremendous job to keep the system running efficiently and keep your allergies way down.
We as a Air Conditioning Contractor are in the business of conditioning air. Cooling only is just a part of the job. Pulling out the moisture from the air is a big part of the job an ac does. Most people don't understand the importance of this job. It's what keeps mold and mildew from wrecking havoc in your home. It keeps you more comfortable as dry air feels cooler so less need for lower temperatures.
Please feel free to make comments or ask questions after our blog posts. We want to keep a dialog going that is mutually beneficial for us and yourselves. We like to have some meaningful conversations about this subject and let others give their opinions. That's when some great things happen. We all learn!
Don't forget to move your clocks ahead an hour this Sunday morning.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Mold on the Coils

This mold was going directly through all the ductwork and into the home. We asked the homeowner about allergies in the home and we were told that most of the family members have really been suffering from severe allergies. We instructed them that they really need to have the ducts cleaned too but we have stopped the source by replacing the equipment.
This brings us to why does a homeowner allow their equipment to get this bad? I think mostly due to lack of education in the HVAC field so unless there was a problem with not getting cold air, they didn't see the need to do any preventive maintenance on the system. Now they understand the repercussions as it cost them in the pocketbook for a new system really before the average lifespan of an ac that is cared for would be.
The lesson to be learned is that prevention is worth it and your health should absolutely be worth it.
Monday, March 3, 2014
Not all Air Conditioning Companies are alike
We spend most of our marketing dollars encouraging our customers to take care of their systems. Just like you care for your car, you need to take preventive maintenance measures on a regular basis to prolong the life of your system.
There is a couple things to look for when a company is looking at your system.
- First and foremost, are they licensed as a air conditioning contractor? You have no recourse against an unlicensed contractor or worker.
- How long have they been working on air conditioners (experience to be able to troubleshoot)
- Trust your gut. If it doesn't sound right, it probably isn't.
- All replacement of equipment must involve your contractor getting a permit from the County you reside in. If they are not willing to do this, run away, it means trouble for you. The permit will insure that the installation was done correctly.
check us out on the web at www.acbreeze.net Call us at 239-303-1318.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Continuation on Preventive Maintanence of your Air Conditioning Unit
You may be in a position on needing a new unit or you may have just purchased a new unit or if your lucky, you units are still plugging away. In any of these cases you need to be prudent in your caring for your air conditioning system. At least twice a year, your system should be serviced. We have been talking about what is involved in a service and how important each component is. We already talked about filters, cleaning the coils, oiling motors and tightening all electrical wiring and screws. Today we want to talk about checking the Freon levels. As a system sits for any length of time, some Freon is lost due to tiny leaks in the fittings or even a coil might have a small leak. technically the system is a closed unit so therefore if the Freon is low there must be a leak. Not every leak needs to be leak checked. The cost to seek a leak out maybe prohibitive if just topping off the Freon is a simple and inexpensive alternative. Your unit came with either a 5 or some even a 10 year warranty so if you are the original purchaser you should call the company that installed it so they can take care of the problem for you for less as you will only be responsible for the labor if it indeed is still under warranty.
If you are being told that a leaky coil is a culprit for you, the system should be freezing. If that is the case, it's time to see what is causing the leak and depending on how bad the leak is and how old your system is and how well it has been taken care of, to determine the best course of action to take.
I hope this series is helping you understand your system and why a bi-annual service is so critical to the overall health and life of the system. Next time we will continue with our series of what to expect when we come to do a bi-annual service on your Air conditioning system.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
What else is part of a service tune up
As the motors run so much they heat up and with the hot weather combined they can dry out pretty fast and can seize over time. That is a quick way of needed emergency service at probably the most inconvenient time (remember things always break at the wrong time). Keeping the bearings and shaft with fresh oil (changing the oil if not sealed) and oiling the fan and condenser fan motor will save it from happening (preventive). If the motor the goes bad is the Compressor Motor, you are looking at some major repair money.
Checking the wiring for tightness will stop an arc from frying some of the electrical devices like the contactor or capacitor. With the equipment rattling with normal operation will cause the screws and the like to loosen. A simple tightening of these items on a regular basis is another great preventive measure to take.
Tomorrow we will address more items that are covered in a service tune up by AC Breeze Cooling and Heating. Check us out on the web at http://www.acbreeze.net or call us at 239-303-1318
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
What does Regular Maintenance do for your Air Conditioning unit
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Dirty Coil Image |
Monday, February 24, 2014
What is a High Efficency Unit?
This is a lot to take in but when you make a purchse that brings you comfort and lends to your overall health and wellfare, it's best to make an informed decision. Make an appointment with us and we will be happy to sit down with you and go over all the options that are available and then compare what is most important to you and show you several systems that will fit your budget. Don't try and do it on your own. Call us at 239-303-1318, email us at tammyjrodriguez@gmail.com or check us out on that web at http://www.acbreeze.net